The current pandemic related to the coronavirus/COVID-19 has negatively affected businesses around the world. Among the hardest hit is the restaurant industry. Faced with the sudden choice of shutting down or switching to a business model most of them were not built for, restaurants are now confronted with a stark reality and a daily decision of how to keep their business operating one more day.

To help their industry, a coalition of restaurants that appears to be out of Los Angeles initiated “The Great American Takeout.” Scheduled for Tuesday, March 24th, the idea behind the event is simple – on that date, order takeout or delivery from your favorite restaurant and then post a snap or video of your meal, tagged with #thegreatamericantakeout.
The hope is that the event will encourage people to order takeout, curbside pickup or delivery on that day, realize how convenient it is and keep doing it. It may become the spark the industry desperately needs, one day and one simple act that not only keeps restaurants open but people employed and families supported.
If you choose to participate, make sure and share your experience to social media and tag your posts with #thegreatamericantakeout. You can also help my asking your friends, clients, neighbors, family members, etc to participate as well. The most important step – repeat. Don’t just make this event a one day thing. If you have the means, try and make it a routine.
Tags: the great american takeout